Since 2000

Oil Free Air Compressor

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What Is an Air Compressor That Is Oil-free?

Oil-free air compressors allow manufacturers to produce products that have high-quality air throughout the manufacturing process. It typically doesn’t have a mechanical connection within the chamber of compression or uses other substances like liquids or Teflon coatings to shield internal mechanisms, instead of using oil for in lubrication. Air compressors without oil are able to provide manufacturers with pure air with environmental benefits as well as significant cost savings.

Benefits of Oil-Free Air Compressors

Air compressors that are oil-free have many advantages that can increase the production of your business:

Eliminate Contamination of Products

In numerous industries, cleanliness requirements are required for quality production. Air compressors that are oil-free eliminate the risk of oil contamination in the quality of food, pharmaceutical, or electronic products.


Compressors that do not require oil typically cost less than traditional counterparts and typically are long-lasting because of the limited amount of components that could be destroyed.

Low Maintenance

The traditional oil compressor need regular oil maintenance and removal of the oil. Also, it is necessary to eliminate aerosols of oil, which requires filtering and air separator components. Air compressors without oil can be used to will eliminate these time- expensive routine chores.


Air compressors that are oil-free will also reduce the carbon footprint of your home because they don’t release contaminants from oil into the air.

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high quality paint finishes, smooth running processes, better health

Food & Beverage

Food & beverage

healthy, better tasting high-quality end products



uninterrupted control systems and maintenance of the ultra-clean conditions essential to high product quality

Medical & Healthcare

Medical & Healthcare

100% reliable and suitable for use in any medical environment including hospitals, dental offices, veterinary offices or other clinical work environments

Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

Trouble-free control systems and processes, upgraded safety, security and higher quality end products



Improve production efficiency, reduce repair and maintenance costs, improve textile quality and reduce waste

Our Mission


Production with high precision and quality control




Oil Free Air Compressor for Sale

As a manufacturer of oil-free air compressors, we will do our best to serve you. If you need customized products, or the products you need are not found in our website, or need a product catalog, don’t worry, more of our products are still being uploaded. You can email us directly, we will reply you within 24 hours!

What Is the Best Time to Get an Air Compressor That Is Oil-free?

Air compressors without oil are often employed in industries which require clean compressed air, including the processing of food and its packaging manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals electronic, medical lab applications. Companies that want to minimize the amount of contaminants present within compressed air to a minimum have relied for years on air compressors that are oil-free. However, high-efficiency air filtration has the ability to create air of similar quality with the oil filled air compressors.

A compressor that is oil-filled and has an in-line filter is a reliable substitute for an air compressor that is oil-free for almost any use that needs ultra-clean and oil-free air. In-line air filters and oil separators can cut down on the oil entrainment rate in compressed air to nearly zero.

Learn More About Our Oil-free Compressors

Ready to start your journey to superior compressor solutions? Contact our team today to learn more about our oil-free air compressors. If you would like to order an oil-free compressor system, please contact us.